• For Inquirers,  Videos

    Seven Minute Catechism Series

    These are very informative lectures by Fr Christopher Morris of St George in Kearney. A lot of information packed into 7 minutes! If you want to know what Orthodox Christianity teaches and believes, this is a great way to dive in.

  • Visitors

    12 Things I Wish I’d Known

    By Fredricka Matthews Green 1. What’s all this commotion? During the early part of the service the church may seem to be in a hubbub, with people walking up to the front of the church, praying in front of the iconostasis (the standing icons in front of the altar), kissing things and lighting candles, even though the service is already going on. In fact, when you came in the service was already going on, although the sign outside clearly said “Divine Liturgy, 9:30.” You felt embarrassed to apparently be late, but these people are even later, and they’re walking all around inside the church. What’s going on here? In an Orthodox…

  • Our Faith

    How to Become Orthodox

    How Do I Become An Orthodox Christian? “The process of becoming an Orthodox Christian can be compared very closely to the process of becoming a married person for it involves the same basic movements of courtship, engagement and marriage. When a person first becomes interested in the Orthodox Church a series of initial interactions take place. Perhaps one visits for a liturgy, researches Orthodoxy on-line, or engages in a conversation with a friend who is Orthodox. If these initial interactions are blessed, a more studied process of inquiry follows which can be compared to the process of courtship. One who launches into this dance with the Church is called by…

  • Our Faith

    What Is The Orthodox Christian Church?

    There’s a good chance you’ve never heard our name before and maybe do not know too much about us. What does Orthodox mean anyway? To answer, it literally means “right believing” and expresses our belief that the Orthodox Christian church is the historical faith of the Apostles and for over 2,000 years have held fast to the traditions passed to us by word or epistle (2 Thess. 2:15). Our Lord proclaimed that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church (Matt. 16:17-19), and we firmly believe that His promise was kept and is alive today. The Orthodox Christian Church, also known as the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, is…

  • Visitors


    We would be honored by your visit and invite you to come experience the ancient Orthodox Christian Church and worship with us. It is Heaven on earth! Visiting an Orthodox Church, for many people, is a new and exciting experience. You will be overwhelmed with the beauty of our ancient services that have been celebrated by Christians for two-thousand years. If you have any questions during your visit, please speak to Fr. Justin Havens or any one of the friendly members of St Xenia, who are eager to meet you. After service on Sundays, we invite you to join us in the fellowship hall for an agape meal, coffee and warm…